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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



10 foods for calming the obligatory brain injury roller-coaster

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When people politely ask me how I’m doing, I say “not bad”. I like to think of this as not lying as it’s just a snap shot of my life. Some days are tolerable, and even a special few are bloody brilliant. That’s probably true for the majority of people. But when I have a bad brain day, I feel like my world has collapsed all over again. It’s like I’m stuck on a roller-coaster that gives me relief when it’s on the climb. But I reach the top and it punishes me when I’m in free fall coming down.

I don’t even know how to explain it when I’m in the middle of a bad brain day.

As I do quiet well at expressing what life post brain injury is like, I still find it surprising that I can’t explain myself when I’m in a bad place. Just recently I haven’t been awful, but everyday I find I am spent very quickly. It’s not terrible, just leaves me grumpy, unmotivated, and unable to follow through with plans. This part of my roller-coaster isn’t the big dipper. It’s more like one of those super fast ones that throws you from side to side whilst nipping under a bridge that you think it’s going to smash into. There’s no dramatic highs and lows, but still even a scream can’t escape.

How diet can ease the roller-coaster ride of brain injury.

We all know you are what you eat. I’ll be the first to admit that whilst I would love to say I treat my body like a temple, I don’t. I comfort eat particularly when I’m feeling like a turd. But I’m going about this the wrong way. Any form of injury means your body needs extra nutrition to be able to heal. Brain injury often means you struggle to use nutrients as effectively as you did before, so you need even more of them. So I’m going to be putting extra effort into giving myself some TLC.

10 foods which help power up your brain.

  1. Turmeric – It has been identified as having the ability to stimulate new brain cell generation in some cases. Also it may lessen the development of plaque in the brain, the common cause of Alzheimer’s.
  2. Cashews – Full of nutritional yeast, it helps top up your vitamin B6 and B12. Both of these are linked to memory and overall brain health. Vitamin B is also important for fighting depression so might ease my grumpiness.
  3. Eggs – A particular type of vitamin B called Choline can be found in eggs. It’s important for cell membranes, and especially brain cells.
  4. Dark chocolate – Those with high cocoa content are loaded with antioxidants. These can help boost your memory and overall cognitive skills.
  5. Celery – Anyone who struggles to park the car should be eating it as it contains antioxidants which aid spatial awareness. It also reduces inflammation and improves memory and the ability to learn.
  6. Rosemary – Another one for spacial awareness. (If parking the car is still stressing you out, it will helps lower stress too.)
  7. Spinach – It can protect against free radicals and inflammation. (I admit I don’t really understand what free radicals are, but I know they’re not good.) Often those who struggle cognitively are deficient in an antioxidant called Lutein. It helps with learning and memory. You guessed it, spinach is packed with it. Pop-eye might eat it for muscles, but it also helps him remember what he’s doing and learn from his adventures.
  8. Salmon – Packed with omega -3 which I think we all know is generally good for the brain.
  9. Avocado – Full of mono-saturated fats, it aids absorption of other nutrients.  But also it is a great source of vitamin E which is important for cognitive function.
  10. Yogurt – We are coming round to the idea that the gut and brain have more affect on each other than we previously recognised. So as yogurt has probiotics to support your gut, it can support your mental health. (Grumpy me needs to try to get some more of this in to my diet.) If natural yogurt is a bit too bland for you, try adding one of these delicious sauces from Dessert Parlour and put it in the freezer to make a yummy frozen yogurt dessert.

I’m not suggesting that by changing your diet everything will be fine. But even if it just helps a bit, it’s worth trying to have more of the good stuff. For more ideas on what nutrition will help your brain injury Brain Fog: Causes, Symptoms, Solutions is a pretty comprehensive article.

This post is sponsored by Showtime Photo Booth Ltd. All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

What have you found makes the roller-coaster of life post brain injury easier to handle?


10 replies on “10 foods for calming the obligatory brain injury roller-coaster”

To increase your yogurt consumption, try prune yogurt.
To my mind, it doesn’t matter whether you like the taste of prunes or not.
Prune yogurt tastes like chocolate!

Just try it and see if you like it.
Then you can thank me.

What I found, you can’t take everything seriously, let it come in one ear out the other. I don’t remember when I had a bad brain day. I have a list of things I should eat that is on my refrigerator, I’m good there.

I sometimes feel the need to try to feel I’m being proactive about my position. But I know life is for living, not for following rules.

I think adjusting is the hardest bit. There were times that I never thought I would, but thankfully I did. I hope you and your family do too.

Ms. Munt, Welcome to the roller coaster, the rotor ride is another carnival ride that really puts a spin on any a b i owners life.
anyhoo the info about what i call feeding a injured brain is more realistic than what nutrionists I have knocked heads with have told me to eat BRAVO! Ever tried using the old reliables, seal oil or nutritious yeast not together of course but after a couple of scrambled eggs and feta cheese with plain youghurt (no prunes)
Sign me up and send a its’ ok to share this info with the others at the Hamilton brain injury association meetings

Hi John, yes of course you are welcome to share my blogs with anyone who might find them useful.
I had to look up Seal oil as it’s not something us Brits use. Seals are too cute for me to consume (I know that makes me a hypocrite as I still have cow, pig, sheep and poultry products but I can’t help it) so I take Omega 3 from fish oil instead and have some Salmon.

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