Jumbledbrain Ltd
“Jumbledbrain” is a registered trademark and is the property of Michelle Munt.
Medical Disclaimer
This website and it’s content is general information and education that may or may not be right for everyone. It should not be considered as a replacement for medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional..
I am a brain injury survivor who offers support based on my own unique story and experience. My advice isn’t something that has just been read in a book, it’s based on what really had results for me. I’m not a licensed therapist, but I have real insight on the struggles a brain injury can cause for survivors and their families. I’m always keen to put the client first, and if I believe someone would benefit from speaking to a therapist before working with me, I am always honest with them, and will offer to refer them to a suitable therapist.