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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



I was nominated for the Sunshine blogger award, and here are my nominees...

Ok so this is a special post that is a little off piste for me. But with good reason. Those of you who follow me on Twitter or my Facebook page, will know I’m always on the look out for other articles to share which I think you’ll appreciate. So often I turn to great articles by talented bloggers.

Long story short, one of my new connections, WhatsMom, has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. We connected over our shared interest in mental health issues, and I would like to thank her for her generosity.  We came across one another on Twitter, and you can follow her here. If you haven’t come across any of her work before, you really should go have a look.

What’s the Sunshine Blogger Award?

It’s designed to recognise bloggers who are in their own way trying to make a difference. Through advice, raising awareness for an issue, and just generally offering their readers something positive.

Rules and nominating process.

Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the blog post and link back to their blog.

Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Answers to her questions for me:

  1. What made you start your blog? Most of you will know that I started this blog to help others affected by brain injury. I have openly admitted my understanding was woeful before this happened to me. So I’m trying to raise public awareness to improve things for other brain injury survivors.
  2. How did you narrow your niche? Well I think my niche chose me really. After a serious car accident which resulted in a diffuse axonal brain injury for me, I was compelled to blog about it.
  3. What did you do to find readers, or what are you doing to increase them? My first port of call was finding relevant Facebook groups. I love these communities as they are always offering advice and support to each other. Next I set up my Pinterest Brain Injury Group Board to make it easier for readers to find more valuable blogs and related articles.
  4. What are your 6 month goals for your site? I’m sorry, I’ve always been rubbish at setting myself goals. But I do aim to do some freelance blogging for companies whose products/services support brain injury survivors. I will continue with this blog, but I’m hoping some freelance work would like give me an income.
  5. What’s your favourite way to relax? This one’s easy – snuggle up with my cat Dexter. Pretty much every post I have written, he has been curled up on my lap at the time.
  6. What’s your favourite topic to read about on other blogs? I like to read how others have faced adversity and won. The spirit and determination people show in these situations is what really lets their character shine.
  7. What’s your favourite part of the day and why? It’s got to be when my partner, James gets home from work in the evening. He’s my best friend, and his smile always brightens my day.
  8. What are some of your hobbies outside of  your blog/what you write about? When I was growing up I never thought I would say this; but I enjoy gardening. My garden isn’t big, and I’m not in any way green fingered. But I like making it look bright and cheerful, plus I name all my plants. Even my partner James struggles to keep up with all the names. However I think it tests my memory which can only be a good thing.
  9. If you could wave a magic wand and make anything happen, what would your life look like? I’d put everything back to how it was the day before my accident. I enjoyed my job and the people I worked with, and I felt I was progressing really well. Plus as I have lost both my parents since my accident, that would also mean I would still have them offering their invaluable wisdom.
  10. Who is your favourite blogger/role model? Debbie Hampton – Depression, the end of her marriage and her kids not living with her anymore ruined her life. She attempted suicide and survived, only to be left with a brain injury. But now she teaches people how to rewire the brain and overcome such negative thoughts and emotions through her blog The Best Brain Possible.
  11. Lastly, what do you love about you? Being British, I struggle with blowing my own trumpet. But all I can say is I try to live my life as the friend I wish I had. I’m empathetic, not self centred so I try to be supportive wherever I can.

Sunshine blogger award logo


This is so hard as there are so many worthy bloggers out there, but here we go;

And now for the questions I would like them to answer:

  1. How did you choose the title for your blog?
  2. What has been your all-time favourite post to work on?
  3. What personality trait do you admire most in others?
  4. How do you measure what’s valuable for you?
  5. What is your favourite quote?
  6. Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met and why?
  7. What’s the boldest choice you have ever made?
  8. What 3 things can you not live without?
  9. Who is the most important person/s in your life?
  10. What would you like non bloggers to know about blogging?
  11. If a film was made about your life, which actor would you cast for the role of you and why?

And don’t forget to let me know when you have completed this as I can’t wait to read your answers!

If you are still looking for more ideas on blogs to check out, you look look at the ones who I have guest blogged for before. All the links are on Other blogs to watch.


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