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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



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Brain injury blog by survivor

Brain injury blog by survivor



Why Pinterest is great for brain injury survivors.

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As I have now shared over well over 100 articles about my brain injury journey, there is something I have noticed about the survivors community.  As we all go through the terrifying confusion of what has happened to us, we activity search for information. That could be to gain an understanding of what is happening to us, suggestions on what helps, or to just know you’re not the only one. In Not alone after Brain Injury, I mentioned how social media can offer much needed support.  But as I use Pinterest more now, I have come to understand what a major role it plays in this too.

The most beautiful search engine.

“Google it” has become a well used phrase. Recognised as meaning to search the internet for the answer as it is the most popular search engine. It is a fantastic resource, and has put answers at our fingertips.  But as I explained in Aphasia from brain injury, it becomes more difficult when you don’t know what to type in.

In steps Pinterest! Like Google it ranks it’s articles, but it does this based on their popularity. (Amongst other things.) But unlike Google, you don’t always have to type in something to find things of interest. Of course you can if you want to, but there is another way.

Like Facebook you can follow individuals or groups boards. This then populates your main feed with their activity. As everyone can categorise their pins (as articles are known on Pinterest) you can choose which of their categories you do or don’t see.  Or you can search through their boards to see what they’ve pinned previously. No struggling with thinking of the right word, or it’s spelling. You can just scroll though the pins, which like magazine covers, are pictures with a hint as to their content.

How I’m using Pinterest to help others.

As being able to read about others experiences of brain injury helps the community, I have started a group board for brain injury bloggers. They can pin their gems to the board, so in time it will become a “one stop shop” for survivors stories. It helps them find their audience, and you find inspiring articles.  To check it out just click on the image below and it will take you straight there.


Pinterest is well suited to brain injury survivors because....

Also there are plenty of other related articles which have been pinned there too. You can then repin anything you want to your own boards. Great for if you have read it and want to be able to refer back to it later. But also this shows Pinterest that the article is popular. This means others who have not found this board, but are searching for keywords that pin contains, are more likely to have it come up. Together we can ensure others who would benefit from these gems, but aren’t in our social networks find them.

If you have a blog that you would like to be able to submit, here’s what you need to do:

  • Avoid just pinning your whole website. Highlight each article as a pin. It helps to have a particular subject you are talking about in the heading, just like a magazine.
  • Have a beautiful image. If you are able to customise your images, like I do, it helps catch their eye. Vertical images work best for Pinterest. Canva is great for this, but just make sure your images are your own, or if not, are licensed for reuse. I get mine from Pixabay for this reason. (As I have horizontal images in my blog which work better for Twitter and Facebook you will see I do it a little differently for Pinterest.) Click here for a YouTube video which explains how to do this.
  • You don’t have to clutter up your article with a vertical image by hiding it. Click here for instructions on how.
  • Follow the group board and send me a request to be a contributor. Then I can send you an invite, and you can start pinning away.

Are you a fan of Pinterest too? Is there anything else you think social media could be doing for you?


4 replies on “Why Pinterest is great for brain injury survivors.”

Wow, so that’s how you do it!
I have wondered where you got your images from, what you put together is great, catches your eye.
I have got more into Pinterest since you invited me, I am finding the brain injury group board really helpful, small bits of wisdom, help and the experiences of others is so valuable. It’s made me look at other subjects like gardening, which is really helping me in my recovery.
I would like to do a blog and add it, but need to work on my brain recovery more, before starting that challenge.
Thanks again, it’s always inspiring and helpful what you bring to us.

Absolutely Jo, you have to put your health first. But as soon as you’re ready, it’s a great way to start building your audience ?

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